Academic Year : 2009-2010
Department for which the sub to be handled : ECE
Course Name : B.E
Semester : VI
1. State sampling theorem
2. Why flat-top sampling is better than natural sampling in PAM system?
3. What is meant by aliasing effect?
4. What is meant by Quantization?
5. Mention two merits of delta modulation.
6. Compare PCM and DPCM.
7. What is meant by adaptive delta modulation?
8. What is Prediction filter?
9. What should be the minimum bandwidth required to transmit a PCM channel?
10. What is the principle of TDM?
11. Draw the spectrum of sampled low pass signal.
12. Draw the spectrum of sampled band pass signal.
13. Show fsﻛ 2fm is not satisfied condition in sampling to recover the base band signal.
14. Define mid tread quantizer.
15. Define mid-riser quantizer.
16. Define quantization error.
17. What you mean by non-uniform quantization?
18. List out the disadvantage of uniform quantization over the non-uniform
18. Define companding process.
19. What is the need for speech coding at low bit rates?
20. Define slope over load error.
21. Find sampling rate to avoid the slope over load error.
22. Mention the merits and de merits of DPCM.
23. What you mean by linear prediction?
24. Define aperture effect in flat top sampling.
25. Mention the condition to reduce the aperture effect in flat top sampling
Part – B
- State and explain Sampling theorem for low pass signals with spectral diagram.(12)
- a) Explain Quantization process of 8 levels for a signal of m(t) . (6)
b) Derive an expression for Quantization noise and signal to ratio in PCM (6)
- Explain the block diagram of Time division multiplexing in PAM system and List out its merits and demerits (12)
- Explain Pulse Code Modulation system with neat functional block diagram (12)
- a) Explain Delta modulation With neat functional block diagram, (8)
b) Write short note on slope overload error and granular noise in DM (4)
6. a) Explain the principle and operation of TDMA in PCM system with neat sketch. (8)
b) What is meant by compander and Repeater? (4)
- a) With neat block diagram explain adaptive delta modulation (8)
b) Illustrate the Nyquist rate giving zero output at the sampler (4)
8. a) Draw block diagram of DPCM and explain with the principle (8).
b) How coding speech at low bit rates generally in ADPCM (4)
9. Explain the principle of linear prediction and need of prediction filter with block diagram (12)
10. Draw the functional block diagram of adaptive delta modulation and explain its operation from the principle.(12)
Part - A
1. What is polar quaternary NRZ?
2. What is meant by “pseudoternary signaling”?
3. Draw the Pulse structure of Manchester Format
4. What is correlative coding?
5. Define duobinary baseband PAM system?
6. What is the condition for zero inter symbol interference?
7. Draw the power spectra of various PAM signals.
8. What is meant by eye patterns?
9. What is Ideal Nyguist Channel?
10. Compare the various types of duobinary encoders.
11. Mention the types of signal representation.
12. Write down the merits of AMI and Bipolar NRZ coding.
13. Justify how is the Inter Symbol Interference created.
14. List out types of coding format which are having zero DC components.
15. What is the need of equalizers in a communication channel?
16. What is the principle of adaptive equalizers?
17. When is adaptive equalizer required?
18. Write down expression for Nyquist wave shape criterion.
19. List out drawbacks of unipolar NRZ over Bipolar NRZ.
20. Mention the types of noise can be measured from the eye pattern.
21. What is the principle of LMS algorithm?
22. Distinguish between tapped equalizer and adaptive equalizer.
23. Illustrate different parameters in eye pattern.
24. Draw the structure for adaptive equalizer.
25. Mention the applications of correlative coding.
Part –B
1. Draw and explain the operation of duobinary signaling without precoder (6)
2. a) Draw and explain the operation of modified duobinary signaling with precoder (8) b) Sketch the frequency response of signal with raised cosine pulse spectrum(4).
3. a) Draw and explain the structure of an adaptive equalization for data Transmission (12)
4. Explain the structure of Tapped delay line filters (12).
5. Obtain an expression for distortionless baseband transmission for zero ISI (12).
6. a) Draw and explain the operation of differential encoder (6).
b) The binary data stream 0010110 is applied to the i/p of a duobinary
system. construct the duo binary encoder o/p and corresponding receiver o/p,
With pre coder (12)
7. Describe the formation and application of eye pattern with relevant diagram for a
Stream of bits.
8. The binary data stream 001101001 is applied to the i/p of a duobinary
System. Construct the duobinary encoder o/p and corresponding receiver o/p,
Without pre coder (12).
9. a) Draw the spectral diagram for ideal Nyquist channel and explain minimum
Bandwidth for zero ISI(8)
b) Write short note on LMS algorithm (4)
10. Describe the different types formats to represent the digital data’s and list out their merits and demerits with proper illustration.(12)
Part - A
- What is Gram - Schmidt orthogonalization procedure?
- What is the difference between coherent and non coherent binary modulation
- Define Correlation receivers.
- What is maximum likelihood detection?
- Compare MSK and QPSK.
- How is the transfer function of the matched filter related to the spectrum of the
Input signal?
- Which digital modulation technique gives better error probability?
- What is Binary phase shift keying?
- What do you understand by coherent detection?
- State the principle of timing synchronization.
- What is the bandwidth requirement of MSK?
- What is meant by optimum detector?
- State probabilities of error for integrate and dump receiver.
- Write down the expression of probability of error for matched filter.
- Draw the power spectral diagram of BFSK.
- What is the principle of QPSK?
- What is drawback of BPSK? And justify how it will overcome?
- Distinguish between BFSK and BPSK
- Write down expression the error probability for MSK
- Compare performance of QPSK and MPSK by referring error probability.
- What is the principle of M array keying?
- List the characteristics of matched filter.
- Draw the BPSK wave form in time domain and frequency domain.
- What is the need of synchronization during integrating process at the receiver?
- List out the properties of matched filter.
Part – B
1. Explain about Gram - Schmidt procedure (12)
2. With neat sketch explain the operation of QPSK system with relevant diagram. (12)
3. With neat sketch explain M-ary FSK modulation systems with signal space diagram (8)
4. a) Draw and discuss briefly about MSK transmitter/receiver system(8)
b) Derive its probability of error equation (4)
5 .Explain the block diagram for generation and reception of BPSK along with its
Waveform. (12)
6. Write short notes on timing synchronization and carrier synchronization (12)
7. Derive the probability of error equation for BPSK and BFSK.(12)
8. Explain the performance of matched filter by obtaining error probability.(12)
9. Describe the probability of error and half-bandwidth for various modulation systems.(12)
10.a) Explain the relation between Bit error rate and Symbol error rate with example. (8)
b) Illustrate that the noise may cause an error in the determination of transmitted voltage level (4)
Part – A
- What is hamming distance?
- Write any one property of Syndrome decoding.
- Define weight of the code.
- Define linear block code.
- Differentiate convolution code with block codes.
- What are the error detection and correction capabilities of hamming codes?
- What is BCH coding?
- Define RS coding
- List out the merits and demerits of cyclic codes.
- Define constraint length in convolution codes.
- What is meant by coding?
- Classify the coding technique.
- What is meant by convolution code?
- Define basic terminology used in coding.
- Define Entropy.
- What is the advantage of coding?
- What is the condition for maximum entropy?
- Define coding efficiency.
- Define redundancy.
- Define coding length.
- Name few application of coding.
- What are the advantages of coding?
- What is parity check code?
- What do you mean by weight of codeword?
- Define code rate.
Part – B
- a) Explain about linear block codes (5)
b) The generator matrix for a (6, 3) block code is given below. Find all code vectors for
this code G =

- a) State and explain about Syndrome decoding (5)
b) The parity check matrix of a (7, 4)hamming code is given as follows whose generator
matrix is H =
.Calculate the syndrome vector for single bit errors(7)

3. a) Explain briefly about RS coding (4)
b) The parity check matrix of a particular (7, 4) linear block code is given by
H =
i) Find the generator matrix ii) List all the code vectors. iii) Minimum

Distance between code vector iv) Find how many errors can be detected &corrected(8).
4. a) Explain briefly the Viterbi decoding algorithm(7)
b) Explain the burst error correcting codes (5)
5. a) State and explain about Convolution Codes with example(8).
b) Explain briefly about BCH coding (4)
6. Give the block diagram of a typical linear block coding scheme and also define the terms generator matrix parity check matrix and syndrome.(12)
7. Describe the operation of syndrome calculation in convolutional code. (12)
8. a)Describe encoder of a hamming code.(6)
b) Explain the properties of syndrome coding.(6)
9. a).Explain time domain approach of convolution code.(6)
b)Explain syndrome calculation. (6)
10. Explain decoding of convolutional codes. (12)
Part – A
1. Define pseudo-noise (PN) sequence.
2. What does the term catastrophic cyclic code represent?
3. Define a random binary sequence.
4. State the balance property of random binary sequence.
5. Mention about the run property.
6. Give the correlation property of random binary sequence.
7. Mention the significance of spread spectrum modulation.
8. What is called processing gain?
9. What is called jamming effect?
10. What is Anti jamming?
11. What are the three codes used for anti-jamming application?
12. What is meant by frequency-hop spread spectrum?
13. What is slow frequency hopping?
14. What is fast frequency hopping?
15. What are the two function of fast frequency hopping?
16. What are the features of code Division multiple Accesses?
17. What is called multi-path Interference?
18.. Mention the advantages of a spread spectrum technique.
19. Compare direct sequence SS and frequency hopping SS.
20. Define acquisition.
21. Define tracking in SS.
22. List out the applications of spread spectrum system.
23. What is the principle of CDMA?
24 classify the types of spread spectrum.
25. Draw the circuit diagram to generate (PN) sequence for a length of seven.
Part – B
- a) Draw and explain the block diagram of direct sequence spread spectrum transmitter and receiver system.(10)
b) Mention its merits and demerits of direct sequence spread spectrum (2).
2. a) Draw and explain the block diagram of frequency hop spread spectrum transmitter and receiver system(9).
b) The direct sequence spread spectrum system has following parameters .Data sequence
Bit duration, Tb =4.095 ms,PN chip duration ,Tc = 1µs, Eb/ No =10 for average
Probability of error less than 10-5 .Calculate processing gain and jamming margin(3)
3.a) Discuss the ways in which fast hopping scheme and slow frequency hopping
(Spread spectrum) schemes could be used to mitigate multipath effect(8)
b) Explain the method of generation of pseudo noise sequence (4)
4. a) State and explain the properties of maximum length sequences(6)
b) Explain with the block diagram of spread spectrum communication systems(6)
5. a) Explain the performance of direct sequence spread spectrum system (6).
b) A PN sequence is generated using a feedback shift register of length 4(i.e. 4 stage). Find the generated output if the initial contents of the sequence shift register are 1000.If the chip rate is 107 chips/sec, calculate the chip and PN sequence duration and period of o/p sequence. Draw its schematic arrangement (6)
6.a)With neat sketch describe the principle of CDMA.(8)
b) Mention the uses of CDMA.
7. Explain the operations of direct sequence SS using BPSK system.(12)
8. Explain the properties of maximum length sequence.(12)
9. Explain performance characteristics of DSSS system.(12)
10. a)Compare direct sequence SS and frequency hopped SS.(6)
b) Explain various applications of spread spectrum.(6)
1. Define Radiation patterns?
2. What is antenna and its application?
3. Define duality of an antenna?
4. Define radiation intensity?
5. Define directive gain?
6. What is meant by antenna efficiency (η)?
7. What are the types of radiation pattern lobes?
8. Define power gain?
9. Define impedance of an antenna?
10. What is meant by antenna effective area (Ae)?
11. What are the basic antenna elements?
12. Find the effective area of a Hertizian dipole operating at 100 MHz?
13. Write the Friis transmission formula in terms of gain of an antenna (assume non-identical transmitting and receiving antennas)?
14. Define power pattern of an antenna?
15. What are the factors determining the system temperature?
16. What is radian?
17. What is the effective length of an antenna?
18. Write the three field zones with their boundaries of an antenna under test?
19. A power gain test of a reference antenna and a test antenna resulted in the following data. (a) Input power to the reference antenna= 400mW, (b) Input power to the test antenna =100mW. Calculate the power gain?
20. What is steradian?
21. Define Directivity (D)?
22. Define Antenna temperature?
23. Define polarization?
24. Define Effective aperture?
25. Define system temperature?
1. Explain (i) Radiation pattern
(ii) Polarization
(iii) Beam solid angle
(iv)Effective aperture?
2. Explain the different types of radiation patterns in detail?
3. Compute Effective area and directivity of half wave dipole antenna?
4. Derive the expressions of the near and far fields due to a short dipole. Find also the distance at near and far fields are equal?
5. Briefly explain
a) Impedance of an antenna
b) Directive gain and directivity
c) E plane and H plane pattern
6. (i) Derive the Friis transmission formula?
(ii) A dipole having a length 3cm is separated at 1GHz. The efficiency factor k=0.6. Calculate the radiation resistance, antenna gain and the effective aperture?
7. Explain in brief :-
a) System temperature
b) Antenna temperature
8 .Derive an expression for
a) Beam solid angle
b) Poynting vector.
9. Write short notes on
a) Cross field
b) Duality of antenna.
10. Write short notes on
a) System temperature
b) Antenna temperature
1. Define point sources?
2. What is pattern multiplication concept?
3. What is meant by broadside array?
4. Define end fire array?
5. Define field pattern ?
6. Define half power beam width?
7. What are the factors for choosing the directivity of a broadside array?
8. State the directivity of improved end fire array?
9. What is mean by beam width of major lobes?
10. What is the direction of minor lobes maxima for a broadside array?
11. What are the disadvantages of binomial array?
12. Define isotropic radiators?
13. What is an array factor?
14. Obtain the expression of beam width of a broadside array and end fire array?
15. How can the side lobes of a broadside array be eliminated?
16. How can broadside array be differentiated from end fire array?
17. Define antenna array?
18. Define power pattern?
19. Define uniform linear array?
20. What is meant isotropic antenna?
21. Define binomial array?
22. What is meant by main lobes?
23. What is meant by side lobes?
24. What is meant by back lobes?
25. Define null pattern?
1. Derive the expression for field radiation pattern of an array of two point sources of same amplitude and phase?
2. Derive an expression for directions of pattern maxima, minima, and beam width of major lobe for a broadside array. Make suitable assumptions?
3. Derive an expression for field strength of a uniform linear array and prove that non directional elements?
4. With a neat sketch and examples explain the principle of pattern multiplication?
5. Explain isotropic antenna and if an array of isotropic radiators is operated at a frequency of 6Ghz and is required to produce a broadside beam ,find Null to Null beam width if the array length is 10m.also find the directivity.
6. Derive the expressions for the directivity of broadside array and an end fire array?
7. Explain the operation of impedance matching techniques with neat diagram?
8. If the array factor of a linear array has zeros at Ø=90,180,270 degree and the elements are spaced λ/4,design the array?
9. Write short notes on a) End fire array? b) Broadside array?
10. Write short notes on a) BWFN ? b)Radiation patterns?
1. What is half wave dipole antenna?
2. What are the salient features of loop antenna?
3. What is helical antenna?
4. What are the salient features of helical antenna?
5. Calculate the physical height of a half wave dipole having antenna Q of 30 and BW of 10MHz?
6. Define loop antenna and give the applications of loop antenna?
7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of loop antenna?
8. What are the types of loop antenna? List them and give the limitations of loop antenna?
9. Draw the basic structure of a helical antenna with a coaxial line feed?
10. What is the limitation of the micro strip antenna?
11. What is ‘Hertz antenna’?
12. Why a small loop is referred to as a magnetic dipole?
13. What is meant by Loop antenna?
14. Define circular loop?
15. Define square loop?
16. What is meant by folded dipole antenna?
17. Define halfwavedipole?
18. Define large loop antenna?
19. What is Antenna effect?
20. Define axial mode of helical antenna?
21. Define normal mode of helical antenna?
22. Define multifilar helical antenna?
23. State the applications of helical antenna?
24. Compare loop and helical antennas?
25. Compare circular loop and square loop?
1. (i)Write a technical note on ‘small loop antenna’?
(ii)Derive an expression for radiation resistance of an oscillating electric dipole?
2. Derive the expression for the electric fields and radiation resistance of a dipole antenna?
3. (i) Draw a neat sketch of a helical antenna? Describe its principle of operation?
(ii) Explain the development of half wave dipole radiator from an open circuited transmission line with neat sketches?
4. (i) Derive the expressions for far field due to a loop antenna?
(ii). Explain helical antenna in detail?
5. (i) Explain the radiation resistance of a λ/2 dipole antenna?
(ii) Explain the merits and demerits of helical antenna?
6. Explain the two mode operation of helical antenna and its application?
7. Write short notes on
a) Helical antenna?
b) Loop antenna ?
8. Write short notes on
a) Axial mode operation?
b) Normal mode operation?
9. Write short notes on
a) Antenna effect?
b) Night effect?
10. Explain the operation of monofilar and multifilar of helical antenna?
1. What is meant by Yagi Uda antenna?
2. What are the special features of Yagi Uda antenna?
3. Name and draw a frequency independent antenna?
4. What is the limitation of micros trip antenna?
5. What are sectoral horn antennas?
6. What is meant by frequency independent log periodic antenna?
7. What is LPDA? Why is it called so?
8. Name and sketch an antenna which provides circularly polarized waves?
9. What are the disadvantages of rhombic antenna?
10. What is a micro strip antenna?
11. Draw the log periodic antenna structures at UHF and VHF ranges?
12. List the applications of horn antenna?
13. What are the advantages of horn antenna?
14. Define rhombic antenna?
15. Define parasitic arrays?
16. What is phase steered array antenna?
17. Define log periodic antenna?
18. Define turnstile antenna?
19. What is meant by ‘V’ antenna?
20. What is meant by inverted ‘V’ antenna?
21. Define micro strip antennas?
22. What is meant by slot antenna?
23. Define traveling wave antennas?
24. Define horn antenna?
25. What is meant by reflector antenna?
1. (i) Differentiate ‘V’ antenna from ‘Rhombic antenna’?
(ii) Explain the principles of reflector antennas and their feed systems?
2. Explain about (i) Yagi Uda antenna?
(ii) What are parasitic arrays? Explain in brief?
3. (i) Write short notes on advantages and potential applications of micro strip antennas?
(ii) Explain the basic principle of operation of a phase steered array antenna?
4. Explain the method of measurement of antenna gain and impedance?
5. Explain the geometry of a log periodic antenna? How wide the operation is possible with this antenna? Give the design equations?
6. Explain the operation and construction of reflector antenna with neat block diagram?
7. Explain the operation of slot antenna with neat block diagram?
8. Write short notes on
a) Traveling wave antennas?
b) Slot antennas?
9. Write short notes on
a) ‘V’ antenna ?
b) Inverted ‘V’ antenna?
10.Write short notes on
a) Rhombic antenna?
b) Log periodic antenna?
1. Define MUF
2. What is meant by multi-hop propagation?
3. What is meant by Diversity reception?
4. What is fading?
5. What are the factors that affect the propagation of radio waves?
6. Define: critical frequency?
7. What is space wave?
8. Define: Gyro Frequency?
9. What is Space Propagation?
10. What are the Applications of corner reflector?
11. What is the critical frequency of Radio wave for reflection at vertical incidence if the maximum value of electron density is 1.26 × 10^6 cm^-3
12. A pulse of a given frequency transmitted upwards is received after a period of 5 milliseconds. Find the Virtual height of the reflecting layer?
13. How are critical frequency and maximum usable frequency related?
14. Define Diversity Reception?
15. Define Ionosphere Propagation?
16. What is meant by Ground wave propagation?
17. Define Space wave propagation?
18. Define Sky wave Propagation?
19. What is OTF?
20. What are the limitations of ground wave propagation?
21. What are the Limitations of ground wave propagation?
22. What are the advantages of troposphere wave propagation?
23. Different between space and ground wave propagation?
24. Different between space and sky wave propagation?
25. Define troposphere wave propagation?
1. Discuss the effects of earth’s magnetic field on ionosphere radio wave propagation. Comment on Appleton Hartees magnetic ionic formula.
2. Explain: Space wave propagation & Sky wave Propagation
3. (i) Derive an expression for effective relative dielectric constant of the Ionosphere.
(ii) What are the factors that affect the propagation of radio waves?
4. Explain in detail: Ionospheric Propagation
5. (i) Derive an expression for effective permittivity of ionized gas.
(ii) Explain the advantages of tropospheric wave propagation.
6. (i) Explain the Limitations of ground wave propagation.
(iii) Draw the profile diagram of Ionosphere and Explain.
7. Explain in detail about Ground wave propagation.
8. Write brief notes on Diversity Reception.
9. Explain the characteristics of ionosphere?
10. Explain the operation of ground wave propagation?
Question Bank
Part A - 2Marks
1. What is a bus? Mention name of few buses.
2. What is Microprocessor? What are the basic units of a microprocessor?
3. Describe ALU and it function.
4. Mention uses of Accumulator
5. Discuss feature of 8085 Microprocessor.
6. What is multiplexing and what is its advantage? How the address and data lines are demultiplexed in 8085?
7. Discuss the important of READY signal in 8085 Microprocessor.
8. Differentiate stack and stack pointer.
9. Describe instruction format.
10. Mention addressing modes Of µp 8085.
11. What is instruction set?
12. Explain instruction cycle
13. What is T state?
14. Define opcode and operand.
15. Discuss some of the instruction groups of µp 8085.
16. Write a note an timing diagram of µp 8085
17. Explain fetch and execute operation.
18. What is Machine cycle?
19. List the various machine cycles of 8085
20. Explain the function of IO/M, READY, HOLD and HLDA in 8085.
21. What is a flag? List the flags of 8085.
22. What is the use of AC Flag in 8085?
23. What is meant by interrupt?
24. List the Software and Hardware interrupts of 8085?
25. What is vectored and non-vectored interrupt?
Part B – 12 Marks
- Draw and explain the operation of 8085 MPU and its architecture.
- Explain in detail with example the different addressing modes of µp 8085
3. (i)Explain the data transfer instruction set of 8085 with example.
(ii) Explain the logical instructions of 8085 with example
4. Explain with a timing diagram memory read and write operation.
- Draw the pin diagram of 8085 µp and explain the function of each pin.
- Discuss the function of following
(i) General purpose registers.
(ii) Timing and control unit
(iii) Stack pointer and Program Counter.
- Describe in detail about the special features of 8085 µp compared with generic µp.
- Discus about the following
a. Flag register in 8085 CPU.
b. Register in 8085 CPU.
c. Instruction register and Decoder.
- Write a program for addition of 16 bit numbers.
- Write a program for converting a binary numbers to BCD numbers.
PART A 2 Marks.
- How 8086 differ from 8085?
- What is pipelined architecture?
- What is queue? How queue is implemented in 8086?
- What is the difference between segment register and general purpose register?
- List the segment registers of 8086.
- What are BIU and EU?
- Draw the Flag Register?
- What is Overflow Flag?
- Give the types of instruction format in 8086?
- What are the different types of addressing modes?
- What is based indexed and relative based indexed addressing modes?
- What is the use of PUSH and POP instruction?
- Give the function of XCHG and XLAT instruction?
- What are Assembler Directives? Give its use?
- Give an example for assembly format.
- Mention few precision arithmetic operation
- Discuss about subroutine.
- What is the use of EXTRN, PUBLIC assembler directive?
- What are following instructions infers to you (i) MOV [SI], DL (ii) SHR AX and
(iii) MOV BP [SI+500H], 7293H?
- What are the interrupts of 8086?
- What is Maskable interrupt and NMI?
- What is the use of TRAP interrupt?
- What techniques are used to pass parameters in PROCEDURES?
- Define MACRO?
- How we passing parameters to a MACRO?
PART B 12 Marks.
- Draw the architecture of 8086 and explain the same?
- Explain in detail about the different types of instruction format?
- Explain in detail about the different types of instruction set?
- What are the different types of addressing mode supported by 8086? Explain each of them with suitable examples.
- Explain Assembler Directive and Operator in Detail?
- Explain about PROCEDURES?
- Explain briefly about the MACROS, also defining & passing parameters
to a MACRO.
- Explain about interrupt and interrupt service routine?
- Explain in detail the operation of the following instruction.
- LHLD add
- LXID 16 bit
10. Explain the bit format of flag register in 8086.
PART A 2 Marks.
What is READY signal and where it is used?
What are the uses of following signals: DEN and DT/R?
- What is the use of ALE pin signal?
What is the need for timing diagram?
Draw the table of indication of the status lines S0, S1, S2?
- What is minimum mode of operation?
- What is maximum mode of operation?
- What is polling? What are the different types of Polling?
- Define LATCH.
- What is Bidirectional Buffers?
- Give the advantage of multiprocessor system.
- Give the advantage of loosely coupled configuration.
- What is the Bus arbiter? What is the function of it?
- What is meant by mutual exclusion?
- Define Dead Lock. How it is avoided?
- What is the use of TEST signal?
- What is the combinational use of A0 and BHE signal?
- What is Multimicroprocessor System?
- What is coprocessor?
- What are Shared Bus and Multiport Memory?
- What is Bus Window?
- What are the different types of configurations available for multimicroprocessor based upon physical interconnections?
- What is Distributed Operating Systems?
- What are the types of Arbitration Schemes?
- What is Daisy Chaining?
PART B 12 Marks.
1. Describe briefly about the signal descriptions of 8086?
2. Explain in detail about the Special processor activities?
3. Draw and explain a block diagram showing 8086 in minimum mode
4. Draw and explain a block diagram showing 8086 in maximum mode
5. Explain about interconnection topologies?
6. Explain software aspects of Multimicroprocessor Systems?
7. Briefly Describe about Coprocessor?
8. Explain in detail about Bus Arbitration and control?
9. (i) Explain the Tightly (or) closely coupled microprocessor configuration?
(ii) Explain the loosely coupled microprocessor configuration?
10. Explain briefly about the Design of a PC based Multimicroprocessor System?
Part A – 2 Marks
1. Mention different data transfer schemes.
2. What is synchronous and asynchronous data transfer scheme?
3. Differentiate between Synchronous and Asynchronous data transfer?
4. What is DMA controller? And its importance.
5. Write the features of 8251 programmable communication interface?
6. Compare the memory mapped 1/0 and standard 1/0 mapped 1/0.
7. Differentiate latches and buffers.
8. What is Key Bounce? How is it achieved?
9. What is the use of MODEM in serial communication?
10. Discuss about IC 8251
11. What are the applications of 8279?
12. List the features of 8279?
13. Explain the term 2 KEY lockout & N Key rollover?
14. Explain the function of in service register, masking register and interrupt request register of 8259?
15. Explain the function of the signal ADSTB in DMA controller?
16. What is the difference in programming the 8279 for encoded scan and decoded scan?
17. What is debouncing?
18. What are the control words of 8251A and what are its functions?
19. What is USART? What are the functions performed by INTEL 8251A?
20. Explain the term baud rate?
21. What are the different scan modes of of8279?
22. What are the functions performed by port-C of8255?
23. What are the operating modes of port -A 8255?
24. Write a note on interrupt controller?
25. List some of the features of INTEL 8259 (Programmable Interrupt Controller)
Part B – 12 Mark
1. Discuss the different data transfer schemes in detail.
2. With a neat diagram explain the function of 8253.
3. Explain About programmable interrupt controller 8259A.
4. Explain About DMA Controller Of 8257.
5. Explain the functions of IC 8279 key board / display controller with a block diagram.
6. Draw the architecture of IC 8255 and explain its function.
7. Draw the interfacing diagram of an ADC and explain.
8. How can a DAC be interfaced? Discuss with a neat sketch.
9. Explain the Modes of operation of 8255 in detail?
10. Explain the transmission & reception of serial data using 8251 indicating the
function of various register in it? And list some features of 8251?
Part A – 2 Marks
1. What is mean by microcontroller?
2. Mention few functional unit of 8051 micro controller.
3. Describe some features of 8051 microcontroller.
4. Write about the registers used in microcontroller 8051.
5. Mention the addressing modes of 8051 microcontroller.
6. Give examples for register addressing mode for 8051 microcontroller.
7. Write a program to subtract the contents of R1 of Bank0 from the contents of R0 of Bank2.
8. What are the types of power saving modes?
9. Mention about idle mode of 8051?
10. Mention about power down mode of 8051?
11. Write few applications of microcontroller.
12. Explain DJNZ instructions of Intel 8051 microcontroller?
13. Explain the contents of the accumulator after the execution of the following program segments:
MOV R4, #66H
14. State the function of RS1 and RS0 bits in the flag register of Intel 8051 microcontroller?
15. Write a program using 8051 assembly language to change the date 55H stored in the lower byte of the data pointer register to AAH using rotate instruction.
16. Give the alternate functions for the port pins of port3?
17. Specify the single instruction, which clears the most significant bit of B register of 8051, without affecting the remaining bits.
18. Explain about serial data buffer.
19. Explain the function of the pins PSEN and EA of 8051.
20. Explain the 16-bit registers DPTR and SP of 8051.
21. Name the special functions registers available in 8051.
22. Explain about timer registers.
23. Explain the PSW.
24. Compare Microprocessor and Microcontroller.
25. Name the five interrupt sources of 8051?
Part B – 12 Marks
1. With a neat sketch, explain the functional block diagram of microcontroller.
2. Briefly write about the instruction set of MC 8051 with example.
3. Explain about Signal Descriptions of 8051.
4. Explain the Register set of 8051.
5. Describe the operational features of 8051?
6. Explain with few example
(i) Bit manipulation instruction
(ii) Program flow control instruction
(iii) Instruction for logical operation
7. Explain in detail about interrupts of 8051?
8. Explain the various addressing modes in 8051?
9. Explain about the design of a 8051 based length measurement system?
10. Explain about Memory and I/O addressing of 8051.
- Compare MOS transistors in terms of enhancement mode and depletion mode?
- What is Body effect?
- Draw the symbol of NMOS and PMOS transistors?
- Define latch-up?
- Define threshold voltage?
- Define pull-up and pull-down transistors?
- Mention the applications of BiCMOS technology.
- Explain why the CMOS transistor is called as inverter.
- What is pass transistors?
- List out the remedies for latch-up problem?
- Draw the constructional diagram of twin-tub CMOS?
- Draw the circuit diagram of NMOS inverter?
- What is meant by passivation in mos fabrication?
- Define SSI, MSI, LSI, and VLSI.
- What are the different MOS layers?
- Define Moore’s law.
- What is meant by etching?
- Explain the roll of photoresist in mos fabrication process.
- Draw p-pass transistor.
- Compare CMOS and Bipolar technology.
- What is the use of n+ buried layer in BiCMOS technology?
- Mention the advantages of BiCMOS technology.
- Explain the action of depletion mode transistor.
- What is the use of SiO2 in mos fabrication?
- How low threshold voltage is achieved in pmos fabrication.
1. Explain the n-well process of CMOS fabrication.
2. Explain with neat diagrams the Twin tub process in CMOS fabrication.
- Derive MOS device design equation.
- Write notes on second order effects of MOS transistor.
5. Explain the Bi-CMOS process fabrication technology with suitable diagram.
6. Explain the p-well process of CMOS fabrication.
7. Derive the drain-to-source current of mos transistor in non-saturation region.
8. With neat diagram, explain SOI process.
9. Explain the action of enhancement mode transistor, with suitable diagram.
10. (a) Derive the threshold voltage of MOS device and discuss the effect of substrate voltage.
(b) Write notes on impact ionization.
- Define stick diagram?
- Define propagation delay?
- Draw a stick diagram of NMOS inverter?
- Mention two limitations in scaling of MOS circuits?
- What is the need for design rules?
- What is buried contact?
- Draw the circuit diagram of two input NAND gate?
- What is the condition for drawing the diffusion paths?
- How to draw contact cuts in various mos layers.
- Define gate delay?
- Define layout?
- What is super buffer?
- What is the use of layout diagram?
- Draw the layout diagram of two-inputs NOR gate.
Express Y= (A.B.C) +D using CMOS circuit diagram.
- What are the conditions for drawing the CMOS inverter stick diagram?
- Mention the color for drawing (a) metal, (b) n-diffusion, (c) p-diffusion and (d) polysilicon.
- What is the difference between via and cut?
- What is the color code for metal-1 and metal-2?
- Mention the goal of any set of design rules.
- Why do we go for micron based design rules?
- In BiCMOS technology what is the color of buried n+ sub-collector and p-base.
- If length of the channel is equal to width of the channel, what is its sheet resistance?
- Define delay unit?
- Define rise time and fall time of signal.
- Explain the function of parity generator with stick diagram.
- What are lambda-based design rules? Explain any two in detail.
- Explain the function of 4-way data selector with layout diagram.
- Describe in detail the scaling factors of mos device parameters.
- Explain the sheet resistance concept applied to MOS transistors and inverters with relevant diagram.
- Draw the stick diagram and layout diagram of 2-way data selector with enable.
- Explain the operation of CMOS inverter and draw its stick diagram.
- Write notes on propagation delay.
- Compare and draw the stick diagram of p-well and n-well CMOS inverter.
- Explain the circuit diagram of BiCMOS 2-input NAND gate with stick diagram.
- What is programmable logic array?
- Draw the circuit of an EX-OR gate using pass transistor?
- Define AND-OR logic?
- Write down the merits of programmable logic array?
- What are the principles of finite state machine?
- What is power dissipation?
- Draw the circuit diagram of one transistor memory cell?
- What are the factors considered to make storage elements?
- Define single phase clock strategies?
- Distinguish between overlapping and non-overlapping clock?
- What are the factors to be considered in forming storage elements?
- Draw CMOS pseudo-static D flip-flop.
- Write down the dynamic power dissipation equation for memory cell.
- Why dynamic cell is called as volatility?
- Draw the circuit diagram of three transistor memory cell?
- Give application of pseudo CMOS logic.
- How power is dissipated in CMOS pseudo-static memory cells.
- Give examples of static memory element.
- What is meant by dynamic power dissipation?
- What is meant by rise time and fall time delay?
- Draw the circuit diagram of 2T memory cell?
- Write down few combinational systems.
- What is meant by non-overlapping clock?
- What is meant by overlapping clock?
- Explain the selection write operation in 4X4 bit register.
1. Explain the static CMOS memory cell with neat diagram.
2. Explain the selection and control of the 4X4 bit register array with proper illustrations.
3. Explain the function of PLA with suitable diagram.
4. Draw and explain the 4 transistor dynamic CMOS memory cell in detail.
5. Explain ALU subsystem for 4-bit adder with block diagram and truth table.
6. With neat circuit diagram explain the operation of 3T dynamic RAM cell.
7. Briefly discuss the operation of NMOS and CMOS pseudo-static memory cells.
8. Discuss about the switch logic implementation of JK flip flop.
9. With neat circuit diagram explain the operation of 6T dynamic RAM cell.
10. With suitable example, explain combinational circuit.
- Mention any two advantages of analog VLSI?
- Define channeling effect?
- Draw the circuit of MOS cascade stage used in analog ICs?
- Draw the block diagram of an analog VLSI for communication application?
- Comparison between Si and GaAs?
- What is MESFET?
- What is the need for modeling?
- What are the steps to improve the switching speed?
- Draw the circuit diagram of DCFL inverter?
- List out the steps for fabrication of GaAs Enhancement mode MESFET.
- Write down the layers on which a MESFET circuits are formed effectively?
- Define channel charge injection.
- Give the applications of switched capacitor filter.
- Draw the energy band structure of silicon and GaAs.
- Write the salient feature of GaAs technology.
- Draw Bohr’s model of Ga.
- What is meant by HEMT?
- Draw the basic structure of HEMT.
- Mention the region of operation in GaAs.
- What is meant by SDCFL?
- List out the steps for fabrication of GaAs depletion mode MESFET.
- List out the applications of GaAs device.
- Draw the transfer characteristic of MESFET.
- Draw the transfer characteristic of DCFL inverter.
- Give the design rules for GaAs technology.
- Briefly discuss about switched capacitors filter.
- Compare MOS with GaAs VLSI technology.
- Explain the GaAs fabrication process.
- Discuss about the sub-micron technology.
- Write the architecture of neural network.
- Explain the VI characteristic of GaAs MESFET.
- Write detailed notes on DCFL.
- Discuss about the lamda-based design rule for GaAs.
- Briefly explain about the layout design rules for GaAs.
- What is MESFET? Explain its construction and characteristic of schottky barrier.
- Mention some existing hardware description languages?
- What is behavioral description?
- Define entity.
- List out the general features of VHDL?
- Mention the elements of VHDL?
- What is concurrent logic?
- Define delta delay?
- What are the major categories of data types?
- Write VHDL description of a two input NAND gate?
- What is a logical operator?
- Mention the different types of modeling in VHDL?
- Define signal assignments.
- What are the different types of primary construct in VHDL?
- What are the Features of hardware description languages?
- Compare dataflow and structural modeling.
- What is the use of subprograms in VHDL?
- Define structural modeling.
- Mention the operator types.
- What is meant by signal assignments?
- What is meant by simulation?
- Write an AND gate program.
- Define primary constraint in VHDL.
- What is meant by overloading in VHDL?
- What does IEEE STD_LOGIC stands for.
- Explain structural modeling with an example.
- Write notes on VHDL operators.
- Write a VHDL program of a bit comparator with diagram.
- Explain behavioral modeling with an example.
- Write program from multiplexer and full-adder using VHDL language.
- Briefly explain design parameterization?
- Write notes on:
(a) Variables
(b) Signals
(c) Constants
- Explain various modeling methods used in VHDL with examples.
- Explain dataflow modeling with an example.
- Write notes VHDL program structure.
PART-A (2 Marks)
1. Define the term environment.
2. Define ecosystem.
3. Name the two broad classifications of the environment?
4. What do you mean by ecological pyramid?
5. Mention the various ecological factors that affect the sustainable development.
6. Enumerate the structural and functional elements of ecosystem.
7. Draw a neat diagram to illustrate the interrelationship among the water, air and land
8. Write the components of environment?
9. Give one example for producers, consumers and decomposers in an ecosystem?
10. What are the four segments of earth’s environment?
11. What are the major constituents of earth’s atmosphere?
12. Name the four important biogeochemical cycles in the ecosystem.
13. How is food web advantageous over food chain?
14. What is food chain? Give example.
15. What is known as tropic level?
16. Define biogeochemical cycle.
17. What are the functions of a hydrological cycle?
18. Mention few natural calamities that affect the ecosystem.
19. What are consumers?
20. Whether the energy flow is a reversible reaction?
21. Define sustainable development.
22. Give a few words about hydrological cycle.
23. What is sedimentary cycle?
24. Draw the nitrogen cycle.
25. Write the components of hydrosphere.
PART-B (12 Marks)
1. Discuss in detail about (a) Lithosphere (b) Hydrosphere (c) Atmosphere (d) Biosphere
- With typical examples explain the interrelationship between the components and subcomponents of the environment.
- Describe the various components of ecosystem structure.
- Write a detailed note on development and evolution of ecosystem.
- Explain with a neat diagram of different zones of the earth’s atmosphere and
their characteristics.
- Explain carbon and nitrogen cycles as applicable to ecosystem.
- State and explain in detail about the various human activities and their impact on the environment.
- Explain phosphorus and sulphur cycles as applicable to ecosystem.
- Explain the structure and functional components of an ecosystem in a brief manner.
- Describe the energy flow in ecosystem and the factors which are controlling it.
Part –A (2 Marks)
1. Give one example for sustainable development.
2. What is Rio de Janeiro conference agreement?
3. Define sustainable development
4. Define sustainability.
5. What are the characteristics of a sustainable development?
6. Mention the few types of pollution.
7. What are the impacts of man made pollution?
8. Give examples on water borne diseases.
9. What are the major issues of sustainable development?
10. Define air pollution.
11. Define water pollution.
12. Mention a few natural sources of pollution.
13. Correlate Global warming with reference to CO2 concentration in air.
14. What is the goal of environmental protection?
15. What are the various quality objectives of air?
16. Mention any two environmental impacts of developmental project in your discipline.
17. Mention the environmental impact of high sodium content in soil.
18. What are the causes for air pollution?
19. How will you rectify water pollution?
20. What is acid rain?
21. Define Green house effect.
22. What are the gases responsible for green house effect?
23. How is ozone layer depleted?
24. Name the toxic metals which cause water pollution?
25. What are the toxic metals which cause air pollution?
Part-B (12 Marks)
1. Explain the various physical properties of soil owing to the impacts on land
2. Briefly explain how natural calamities disturb the environment.
3. Explain natural and man made impacts on environment.
4. Briefly explain the sustainable development.
5. Describe in detail about effects of water pollution on environment.
6. Write in detail about the influence of air pollution.
7. In a detailed manner discuss the land pollution and its effects.
8. Explain the factors which develop the environment.
9. Discuss the science of environment with attention to your branch of engineering.
10. Discuss briefly about the environmental impacts on marine habitat.
Part-A (2 Marks)
1. Define sewerage system?
2. Mention types of sewerage system?
3. What are the components of sewerage system?
4. What are the tests involved in chemical analysis of sewerage?
5. What are the tests involved in physical analysis of sewerage?
6. Define pH value?
7. Define dissolved oxygen?
8. Mention about sewerage decomposition?
9. What are the different methods involved in sewerage population forcasting?
10. Define run-off process?
11. Mention the types of sewerage characterization?
12. What are the principles of sanitation?
13. Write short notes on minimum size of sewer.
14. What are the advantages of circular shape of sewer?
15. Write short notes on stone ware or vitrified clay pipes.
16. Define the term Design Period.
17. Write short notes on maximum velocity in sewer
18. What are the various gradients present in sewer lines?
19. What are the requirements of good sewer joint?
20. Define manhole.
21. What are the various methods adopted for the ventilation of sewers?
22. What are the precautions to be taken while cleaning sewers?
23. What is meant by the term Per Capita Demand?
24. What are the objects served by the manhole?
25. Enumerate the sources of wastewater.
Part-B (12 Marks)
- Describe in detail the water demand for the public water supply system.
- Write about estimation of storm runoff sewerage water?
- Explain design period and population forecasting in sewerage system.
- Write about characterization of water quality.
- The following is the population data of a city, available from past censes records. Determine the population of the city in 2021 by
- Arithmetical increase method.
- Geometrical increase method.
- Incremental increase method.
YEAR | 1931 | 1941 | 1951 | 1961 | 1971 | 1981 | 1991 |
POPULATION(P) | 12000 | 16500 | 26800 | 41500 | 57500 | 68000 | 74100 |
- Explain effluent standard.
- Explain characterization and composition of sewerage and their significant.
- Write about sources of water and water demand.
- Describe in detail about the water carriage system
- In a town, it has been decided to provide 200litres / head / day of water. Estimate the domestic water requirements of this town in the year 2010 by projecting the population of the town by the incremental increase method from the data given below.
Year | Population |
1950 | 2,50,000 |
1960 | 4,80,500 |
1970 | 5,50,300 |
1980 | 6,38,600 |
1990 | 6,95,200 |
Part-A (2 Marks)
1. Define water supply?
2. What are the sewerage materials?
3. Mention two advantages of steel Pipes?
4. Mention four advantages of cement concrete pipes?
5. Define RCC pipe.
6. What are the devices include in sewer appurtenances?
7. What are the classifications of manholes?
8. What is testing of sewer pipes?
9. Write two types of pumps?
10. Mention the advantages of air pressure pumps?
11. Write short notes on cast iron pipes.
12. Describe about steel pipes.
13. Describe about G.R.I pipes.
14. Write short notes on cement concrete pipes.
15. Write short notes on cast iron pipes.
16. Distinguish between spigot and socket joint
17. Define expansion joint.
18. Explain collar joint for AC pipes
19. Write short notes on testing of pipes.
20. Define sewage
21. What is meant by sewerage?
22. What is manhole?
23. Define sedimentation.
24. What do you mean by chlorination?
25. Name the various testing of sewer line.
- Explain briefly about pipe materials?
- Explain sewerage system?
- Briefly explain the Activated Sludge treatment process with neat sketch.
- Draw a neat sketch on different shapes of sewerage pipes.
- Explain about laying and testing of sewerage pipe?
- Explain briefly about pumps and their advantages.
- Design of sanitary and storm sewerage
- Explain the unit operations with flow chart of treatment of sewage.
- Describe about the secondary treatment of sewage.
- Sketch and explain.
i) Direct intake from river
ii) Intake from reservoir
1. Define plumbing.
2. What is “Plumbing water supply”?
3. What is plumbing sanitary or drainage system?
4. Name the components of water connection system.
5. Write the importance of underground storage tanks.
6. Give examples for metal tanks used for water storage purpose.
7. What are the advantages of mild steel (M.S) metal tanks?
8. Explain HDPE.
9. Write the advantage of automatic pumping system.
10. What is “bib cock”?
11. What is the use of ventilation in the buildings?
12. What are called sanitary fittings?
13. List out the various sanitary fittings.
14. Write any five principles of sanitary plumbing system
15. Define house drain sizing.
16. How will you size the vent pipe?
17. Write short note on smoke test in pipes.
18. What are the advantages of aeration system in water treatment system?
19. What are the disadvantages of aeration system in water treatment system?
20. Explain FRP.
21. List the different systems of plumbing.
22. What are the various kinds of vent piping?
23. What is meant by individual trap vent?
24. Write a note on branch vent in drainage piping.
25. Write about the Single stack system
1. Write in brief about water connection components.
2. Explain the water storage systems in buildings.
3. Give a detailed account on piping systems in buildings.
4. Write the general requirements of domestic water storage tanks. Add notes on types of tanks used in domestic overhead storage tanks.
5. Briefly describe the design considerations for water piping systems in buildings.
6. Describe how house sewer is connected to main sewer?
7. Describe in detail about the house drainage system in buildings.
8. Enumerate the procedure involved in the fixtures and fittings of sanitary ware.
9. List out the various plumbing materials used in plumbing of a building.
10. Write a detailed account on sanitary fittings