Semester: IV SEM / Year: IV/ II
Part A
- Define measurement system?
- Define accuracy?
- Define precision?
- Define sensitivity?
- Define transducer?
- What is static and dynamic error?
- Define calibration?
- Give the various classifications of instruments.
- What are the various types of errors?
- What is meant by limiting error?
- What is inverse sensitivity or deflection factor?
- State resolution.
- What is the difference between accuracy and precision?
- Define accuracy of an measuring instruments
- What is a standard classify it
- What are the different calibration methodologies?
- Define stability
- Define transducer classify different types of transducer
- Mention few advantages of electrical transducer
- Define error
- Differentiate between active and passive transducers
- Give the advantages and limitations of Maxwell’s bridge
- Mention few advantages of LVDT
- List the different types of detectors used in a.c bridges.
- Mention some important features of electronic weighing system.
Part B
- Explain in detail about functional block diagram of an instrumentation system.(12)
- Explain the static and dynamic characteristics of Measuring Instruments. (12)
- With neat diagram explain about active and passive instruments (12).
- Explain in details of (a) piezoelectric transducer (6) (b) Thermoelectric transducer(6)
5. Explain the operation of LVDT with neat diagram and mention its advantages.(12).
6. Explain in detail about different types of error in measuring instruments (12)
7. Explain in details of (a) Resistive transducer (6) (b) Inductive transducer.(6)
8. Derive the expression for Anderson ’s bridge.(12)
9. Derive the expression for Maxwell’s inductance bridge.(12)
10. Write short notes on calibration and standards of Measuring Instruments. (12)
Part A
- List out the different types of signal generator.
- Write notes on RF signal generator.
- Define sweep generator.
- List out the requirements of pulse generator.
- Define rise time and fall time of waveform.
- Define real-time spectrum analyzer?
- Define distortion factor.
- State logic analyzers with its type.
- What is frequency selective wave analyzer?
- Mention the applications of function generator.
- Draw the block diagram of Harmonic Distortion analyzer
- Mention the important requirements for an signal generator.
- What is an Attenuator
- Give the specifications of typical AF signal generator.
- Define duty cycle.
- List the requirements of a pulse generator.
- Draw the block diagram of Logic analyzers.
- What is an function generator
- What are all the advantages of sweep frequency generator
- What is an wave analyzer
- Mention four characteristics of an spectrum analyzer
- Draw the basic block diagram of logic analyzer.
- What is harmonic distortion?
- Define frequency ;resolution of an spectrum analyzer
- Draw the block diagram of Function Generator
Part B
- Explain Audio-Frequency signal generators with example? (12).
2. Draw and explain the operation of a Function Generator (12)
3. Explain in detail about Swept Super heterodyne Spectrum analyzer (12)
4. Explain the operation of Harmonic Distortion analyzer (12)
5 Draw and explain briefly about Sweep Frequency Generator (12)
6. With neat sketch explain in detail about Wave analyzer (12)
7. Draw and explain the block diagram of Logic analyzers (12)
8. Explain briefly about Pulse generator and mention its specifications. (12)
9. Discuss the characteristics and applications of Spectrum analyzer. (12)
10. Explain real time spectrum analyzer. (12)
Part A
- List out the classification of digital voltmeter.
- Draw the basic block diagram of DVM
- What is mean by staircase ramp type DVM?
- What is pulse width measurement?
- Draw the block diagram of successive approximation type digital voltmeter
- Mention advantages of DVM.
- Define potentiometric integrating type DVM.
- Mention advantages of successive approximation type digital voltmeter
- Mention disadvantages of successive approximation type digital voltmeter
- Draw the block diagram of linear ramp DVM
- Draw the block diagram of Stair ramp DVM
- Mention advantages of Stair ramp DVM
- Mention disadvantages of Stair ramp DVM
- What is resolution and sensitivity?
- Explain guarding technique.
- Mention advantages of linear ramp DVM
- Mention disadvantages of linear ramp DVM
- State the applications of vector voltmeter.
- Define auto ranging.
- Draw the block diagram of potentiometric integrating type DVM.
- Define resolution in DVM
- Define sensitivity in DVM
- Give general specification of DVM
- Draw the block diagram of digital multimeter
- Explain frequency ratio measurement.
Part B
- Explain the block diagram of successive approximation type digital voltmeter and list out its advantages and disadvantages (12).
- Explain the block diagram of staircase ramp type DVM and list out its advantages and disadvantages (12).
- Explain servo potentiometric type DVM.(12)
- Explain the block diagram of linear ramp DVM and list out its advantages and disadvantages (12).
- (a) Explain the working principle of digital multimeter with schematic block diagram and List out its applications (12).
- (a) Explain the block diagram of dual slope integrating type digital voltmeter (8).
(b) List out its advantages and disadvantages (4).
8. Explain in detail about guarding techniques to prevent various interferences (12)
9. Write short notes with block diagram on (a) digital frequency counter,(6)
(b) Period measurement (6)
10. Explain voltage to frequency converter type integrating DVM
Part A
- Define CRO.
- Draw the block diagram of Cathode ray tube
- Define electron gun
- Define deflection system and their types
- Define vertical deflection system
- Define horizontal deflection system
- Define delay line
- Define vertical amplifier
- Define horizontal amplifier
- Define time base generator
- Draw the block diagram of sampling oscilloscope.
- Compare dual beam CRO and dual trace CRO.
- Define curve tracer?
- Define dual trace CRO
- Compare vertical deflection system and horizontal deflection system
- Draw the block diagram of digital storage oscilloscope
- What is analog and digital recorder?
- Compare vertical amplifier and horizontal amplifier
- Define dual beam CRO
- State the advantages of sampling oscilloscope.
- Define printer.
- Define recording system
- What is real-time sampling?
- Define power scope.
- Applications of CRO.
Part B
1. Explain digital storage oscilloscope with neat sketch. (12)
2. Explain cathode ray tube with neat sketch. (12)
3. With neat sketch explain sampling oscilloscope and list out its advantages (12).
4. Explain in detail about recording methods (12).
5. Explain analog storage oscilloscope with neat sketch. (12)
6. Explain the deflection system in detail (12)
7. Write notes on digital data recording with its advantages and disadvantages. (12).
8. Explain classification of printers. (12).
9. Explain FM recording system with block diagram (12).
10. Explain dual beam oscilloscope (12)
Part A
1. What are the 3 basic requirement of computer controlled system?
2. Define data acquisition system
3. Draw the block diagram for analog data acquisition system
4. Give any 2 instruments used in computer controlled instrumentation?
5. Define transducer
6. Define signal conditioner
7. Define multiplexer
8. Draw the block diagram for multi channel data acquisition system
9. Give any 2 applications of microprocessor-based instrumentation?
10. What is IEEE 488 bus system?
11. Draw the block diagram for PC based Digital data acquisition system
12. List out the advantages of automatic test system.
13. What is meant by computer controlled test system.
14. Draw the block diagram for data logger
15. Define audio amplifier testing.
16. Draw the block diagram for analog to digital multiplexing
17. How signal is transmitted in microprocessor-based measurement?
18. Draw block diagram of testing of radio receiver.
19. Give any 2 objectives of data acquisition system
20. Define test system
21. Draw the block diagram for digital to analog multiplexing
22. What are the advantages of computer controlled test system.
23. Draw the block diagram for testing of radio receiver
24. Draw the block diagram for testing of audio amplifier
25. What are the basic tasks of an automatic test systems
Part B
1. Explain the block diagram of computer controlled measurement system for testing of a radio receiver. (12).
2. Explain in detail Digital data acquisition system (12)
3. Explain (a) digital to analog multiplexing (b) analog to digital multiplexing (12)
4. Explain the block diagram of computer controlled measurement system for testing of a audio amplifier. (12).
5. Explain in detail PC based Digital data acquisition system (12)
6. Explain in detail data Loggers (12).
7. Explain microprocessor based measurement with neat block diagram (12).
8. Explain computer controlled instrumentation with block diagram (12).
9. Explain in detail about (a) digital controller (4). (b) Microprocessor based instrumentation. (8)
10. Write notes on automatic test system with neat diagram (12).
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