- Define algorithm.
- Define deterministic algorithm.
- Define non-deterministic algorithm.
- Differentiate deterministic and non-deterministic algorithm.
- Define recursive algorithm.
- Write the properties of an algorithm.
- Define contradiction.
- Write the examples for recursive and nor-recursive algorithm.
- Write short notes on iterative process.
- What are the steps involved in developing an algorithm?
- Why algorithms are necessary?
- Define formalization of Algorithm.
- What are the ways of Expressing Algorithgm.
- Define Recursion.
- What are the classifications of design paradigm.
- What make Algorithm non deterministic.
- What is Exponential time.
- Define Estimation.
- What is serial Algorithm
- Give suggestions to improve efficiency of an algorithm.
- Define Parallel Algorithm.
- What is the need to study Algorithms?
- When will you say an algorithm is efficient?
- What is Distributed Algorithm.
- What is meant by estimation?
12- Marks
- a) Evolution as an Algorithmic process - Explain
- b) Give detail notes on Expressing algorithms.
- Explain about
a). Deterministic algorithm
b). Non-deterministic algorithm.
- Give detail notes on polynomial and exponential algorithm.
- Explain about
a). Iterative algorithm
b). Recursive algorithm
- Explain the techniques of proof by contradiction with examples.
- What are the various ways to classify the Algorithms.
- Explain the way of classifying algorithm by the way of design methodology or design paradigm
- Explian about
a).recusive funtions
b).Tail recusive functions
10. Explain the mathematical induction with examples
2- Marks
- Define time complexity.
- Define space complexity.
- What is meant by worst case and best case of an algorithm?
- Write the procedure to find out the time complexity.
- Define asymptotic analysis.
- List out the asymptotic notations.
- What is analysis of algorithms?
- What is worst case and average case analysis?
- What is lower bound analysis?
- How time complexity and space complexity analysis are important for an algorithm?
- Define NP-complete problems.
- What is upper bound analysis?
- Define the correctness of an algorithm.
- Define decision problem
- What is complexity classes.
- What computational complexity theory describe.
- What is DTIME AND DSPACE represents.
- Define Algorithm’s performance.
- What is Huffman code.
- Define Circuit complexity
- What do you mean by Average space complexity.
- What do you mean by Worst case complexity.
- Define NP-complete problems.
- Define the correctness of algorithms.
- What is the need for computational resources.
12- Marks
1.What is complexity classes.Explain Best,Worst and Average case analysis of algorithmic complexity
2.Explain the time complexities of an algorithm.
3.Explain about NP- hard problems
4.What do you mean by Asymptotic notation and how can we obtain performance
evaluation of an algorithm.
5.Discuss about
i)space complexity
ii)Decision problem.
6.Discuss in detail about upper, lower and space bounds of an algorithm.
7. Explain the time and space complexities of an algorithm.
8. Discuss about
a).Hill climbing
b).Heuristic algorithm
9. what do you mean by correctness algorithm? Discuss in detail about correctness
algorithm with examples
10. Write a short note for Analysis of Algorithm? With each notation and case
Unit- III
2- Marks
- Define data structure.
- Define abstract data type.
- Give the classification of data structure.
- Differentiate array and linear list.
- Define stack.
- Define Queue.
- What is the need of studying data structure?
- Define linked list. What is the advantage of linked list?
9. What is circular queue? How do represent it.
- Differentiate linked stack and linked queue.
11. Write the application of queue.
12. What is the difference between data structure, data type, and ADT?
13. What is the difference between array and a pointer?
14. Write any three applications of stack
15. What is Dequeue?
16. What is the advantage of linked list over array?
17. What are the various linked list operations?
18. How will you insert and delete an element in a circular queue?
- Give the types of queue and explain it.
20. What is the data structures used to perform recursion?
21. What do you meant by cursor?
22. Give the difference between linked list and array.
23. Define pointer
24. What is recursion and advantages ?
25.Write the routines for inserting and deleting elements from a queue using linked
list. Check for the conditions Q-empty and Q-full.
12- Marks
1.In detail explain about abstract data type and its LIST of operations.
2. Explain the following
i) single linked list
ii) doubly linked list
3. Give brief notes about Queue and circular Queue with its operations.
4. Explain the pointer implementation of linked list
5. Discuss in detail about array implementation of stacks.
6. Define Linked List. Explain its various types and operations.
7. Discuss in detail about Array implementation of queue.
8. Write the Application of stack with neat example.
9. Explain about the stack
10. What are the applications of stack? Explain any one .
Unit- IV
2- Marks
- Define binary tree.
- List out the binary tree traversals.
- What are the properties of binary trees?
- Differentiate general tree and binary tree.
- Differentiate queue and priority queue.
- Define directed graph.
- Define the weight of a graph.
- Give the application of graph traversing.
- Define spanning tree.
- Define the level of a tree.
11.Define Tree traversal.
12.What are the applications of graphs?
13.What are the techniques to represent graphs?
14.Give any three applications of priority queue
15.Define a tree with an example.
16.What is binary heap?
17.Explain DFS and BFS
18. What is meant by strictly binary tree?
19. What is meant by root node, child node and siblings?
20. List out few of the application of tree data-structure?
21.What is meant by undirected graph?
22.Draw the diagram for directed graph.
23. What is a connected graph?
24. What are the applications of DFS?
25.What is a Cyclic graph?
12- Marks
1. Explain in detail about binary tree .
2. With neat sketch, explain Expression trees.
3. Discuss briefly detail about priority queue
4. Explain with suitable examples the basic heap operations .
5. Discuss briefly about various binary tree traversals.
6. Explain about Kruskal’s spanning tree algorithm.
7. Explain with suitable examples the basic DFS operations and algorithms for the same.
8. Explain BFS with neat sketch and algorithms for the same.
9. Illustrate with example about Prim’s spanning tree algorithm.
10.Withe neat sketch explain about tree traversals.
Unit- V
2- Marks
- Define sorting and searching.
- How insertion sort technique works?
- Differentiate internal and external sorting.
- Define merge sort.
- Which one is efficient sort? Why?
- Define hashing.
- List out the types of searching.
8.Why it is necessary to go for external sorting.
9.What is garbage collection?
10. Why quick sort is called as partition exchange sort.
11.How sorting is performed in heap sort?
12.State the difference between quick sort and merge sort
13. Define Binary search tree.
14.Mention the advantages of quick sort.
15. What is shell sort? Why it is called by the name?
16.Write the properties of binary search tree.
17. Give the average efficiency of heap sort.
18. Give the time complexity of binary search.
19. List out the hashing technique.
20. What does merge sort mean?
21.How we classify sorting algorithms?
22.In which sorting technique we use Divide and conquer method.
23. What are the limitations of insertion sort?
24. What is meant by internal and external sorting?
25. What is meant by Hashing and collision?
12- Marks
1.Define sorting. Explain in detail about Mergesort.
2.State and explain the routine to perform quick sort.
3.In detail Explain about heap sort
4. With suitable examples, discuss about Binary search tree.
5. Discuss briefly about implementation of B-Tree
6. With neat sketch, explain selection sort.
7. Explain prim’s Algorithm for minimum spanning tree.
8.Define Hashing.Give general idea for open and closed hashing.
9. Perform heap sort for the following:
10.Explain the algorithm for shell sort with example.
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