Question Bank
Part A - 2Marks
1. What is assembler?
2. Write short notes on bus? Mention name of few buses.
3. Mention about Microprocessor? Write the basic units of a microprocessor?
4. Describe ALU and its function.
5. Mention uses of Accumulator
6. List out the features of 8085 Microprocessor.
7. What is the important of READY signal in 8085 Microprocessor.
8. Differentiate stack and stack pointer.
9. List the various instructions that can be used to clear accumulator.
10. Mention addressing modes. Of µp 8085.
11. Write short notes on Instruction set?
12. Explain briefly about instruction cycle?
13. What are the basic units of a microprocessor?
14. Define opcode and operand.
15. Give the instruction set of µp 8085.
16. Write a note an timing diagram of µp 8085
17. How fetch and execute operations are performed in 8085?
18. Mention the functions of IO/M in 8085.
19. Draw the flag registers of 8085 and give its function.
20. List out the uses of AC Flag in 8085?
21. Write Short notes on interrupt?
22. What the important of DMA process?
23. Short note on vectored and non-vectored interrupt?
24. List the various instructions that can be used to clear accumulator.
25. Mention the functions of HOLD and HLD A in 8085.
Part B – 12 Marks
- With a neat sketch, discuss the architecture of Intel 8085, bringing out its salient features.
- Explain in detail with example the different addressing modes of µp 8085
3. Explain the various Data Transfer and Logical instructions available in 8085
4. Explain the instruction set of 8085.
- Draw the pin diagram of 8085 µp and explain the function of each pin.
- Discuss the function of following
(i) General purpose registers.
(ii) Timing and control unit
- Describe in detail about the special features of 8085 µp compared with generic µp.
- Discus about the following
a. Flag register in 8085 CPU.
b. Register in 8085 CPU.
- Write a program for addition of 16 bit numbers.
- Write a program for converting a binary numbers to BCD numbers.
PART A 2 Marks.
- How 8086 differ from 8085?
- What is pipelined architecture?
- How queue is implemented in 8086?
- Mention the difference between segment register and general purpose register?
- List the segment registers of 8086.
- Write short notes on BIU and EU?
- Draw the Flag Register of 8086 and give its function?
- When Overflow Flag will be set in 8086 flag register and give its function?
- List out the types of instruction format in 8086?
- Mention the different types of addressing modes?
- Discuss shortly about based indexed and relative based indexed addressing modes?
- What is the use of PUSH and POP instruction?
- Give the function of XCHG and XLAT instruction?
- Write short notes on Assembler Directives?
- Give an example for assembly format.
- Mention few precision arithmetic operation
- Discuss about subroutine.
- Mention the use of EXTRN, PUBLIC assembler directive?
- Write the function of following instructions (i) MOV [SI], DL (ii) SHR AX and
- How many interrupts are available in 8086, list them?
- How the interrupts can be masked/unmasked in 8086?
- Give the use of TRAP interrupt?
- Which techniques are used to pass parameters in PROCEDURES?
- Define MACRO?
- How we passing parameters to a MACRO?
PART B 12 Marks.
- Draw the architecture of 8086 and explain the same along with its feature?
- Explain in detail about the different types of instruction format?
- Explain in detail about the different types of instruction set?
- What are the different types of addressing mode supported by 8086? Explain each of them with suitable examples.
- Explain Assembler Directive and Operator in Detail?
- Explain about PROCEDURES?
- Explain briefly about the MACROS, also defining & passing parameters
to a MACRO.
- Explain about interrupt and interrupt service routine?
- Explain in detail the operation of the following instruction.
- LHLD Add
- LXID 16 bit
10. Explain the bit format of flag register in 8086.
PART A 2 Marks.
- Mention the use of READY signal?
- List the uses of following signals: DEN and DT/R?
- Discuss the use of ALE pin signal?
- What is the need for timing diagram?
- Draw the table of indication of the status lines S0, S1, S2?
- Write short notes on minimum mode of operation?
- Discuss shortly about maximum mode of operation?
- Mention about polling? What are the different types of Polling?
- Define LATCH.
- Mention about Bidirectional Buffers?
- Discuss briefly about multiprocessor system.
- Give the advantage of multiprocessor system.
- List the advantage of loosely coupled configuration.
- Mention about Bus arbiter and give its function?
- What is meant by mutual exclusion?
- Write short notes on Dead Lock and how it is avoided?
- List out the uses of TEST signal?
- Mention the combinational use of A0 and BHE signal?
- When a system is called as Multimicroprocessor System?
- Write short notes about Shared Bus and Multiport Memory?
- What is Bus Window?
- List out the different types of configurations available for multimicroprocessor based upon physical interconnections?
- What is Distributed Operating Systems?
- List out the types of Arbitration Schemes?
- What is the Bus arbiter? What is the function of it?
PART B 12 Marks.
1. Describe briefly about the signal descriptions of 8086?
2. Explain in detail about the Special processor activities?
3. Draw and explain a block diagram showing 8086 in minimum mode
4. Draw and explain a block diagram showing 8086 in maximum mode
5. Explain about interconnection topologies?
6. Explain software aspects of Multimicroprocessor Systems?
7. Briefly Describe about Coprocessor?
8. Explain in detail about Bus Arbitration and control?
9. Explain the types of Arbitration Schemes?
10. Explain briefly about the Design of a PC based Multimicroprocessor System?
Part A – 2 Marks
1. Mention different data transfer schemes.
2. Write short notes on synchronous and asynchronous data transfer scheme?
3. Differentiate between Synchronous and Asynchronous data transfer?
4. Discuss shortly about DMA controller? And its importance.
5. Write the features of 8251 programmable communication interface?
6. Compare the memory mapped 1/0 and standard 1/0 mapped 1/0.
7. Differentiate latches and buffers.
8. What is Key Bounce? How is it achieved?
9. List out the use of MODEM in serial communication?
10. Discuss about IC 8251
11. Mention the applications of 8279?
12. List the features of 8279?
13. Explain briefly about the term 2 KEY lockout & N Key rollover?
14. Mention the function of the signal ADSTB in DMA controller?
15. How programming of 8279 for encoded scan and decoded scan will differ?
16. Write short notes on debouncing?
17. List the control words of 8251A and Give its functions?
18. What is USART? Mention the functions performed by INTEL 8251A?
19. Explain briefly the term baud rate?
20. Give the different scan modes of 8279?
21. State the functions performed by port-C of8255?
22. Mention the operating modes of port -A 8255?
23. Write a note on interrupt controller?
24. List some of the features of INTEL 8259 (Programmable Interrupt Controller)
25. Write short notes on standard 1/0 mapped 1/0.
Part B – 12 Mark
1. Discuss the different data transfer schemes in detail.
2. With a neat diagram explain the function of IC 8212.
3. Explain About programmable interrupt controller 8259A.
4. Explain About DMA Controller Of 8257.
5. Explain the functions of IC 8279 key board / display controller with a block diagram.
6. Draw the architecture of IC 8255 and explain its function.
7. Draw the interfacing diagram of an ADC with μp8085 and explain.
8. How can a DAC be interfaced with μp8085? Discuss with a neat sketch.
9. Explain the Modes operation of 8255 in detail?
10. Explain the transmission & reception of serial data using 8251 indicating the
function of various register in it? And list some features of 8251?
Part A – 2 Marks
1. Write short notes on microcontroller?
2. Mention few functional unit of 8051 micro controller.
3. Describe some features of 8051 microcontroller.
4. Write about the registers used in microcontroller 8051.
5. Mention the addressing modes of 8051 microcontroller.
6. Give examples for register addressing mode for 8051 microcontroller.
7. Write a program to subtract the contents of R1 of Bank0 from the contents of R0 of Bank2.
8. List out the types of power saving modes?
9. Mention about idle mode of 8051?
10. Mention about power down mode of 8051?
11. Write few applications of microcontroller.
12. Explain briefly the function of DJNZ instructions of Intel 8051microcontroller?
13. Discuss shortly the contents of the accumulator after the execution of the following program segments:
MOV R4, #66H
14. State the function of RS1 and RS0 bits in the flag register of Intel 8051 microcontroller?
15. Write a program using 8051 assembly language to change the date 55H stored in the lower byte of the data pointer register to AAH using rotate instruction.
16. Give the alternate functions for the port pins of port3?
17. Specify the single instruction, which clears the most significant bit of B register of 8051, without affecting the remaining bits.
18. Explain briefly about serial data buffer.
19. State the function of the pins PSEN and EA of 8051.
20. Discuss shortly about the 16-bit registers DPTR and SP of 8051.
21. Name the special functions registers available in 8051.
22. Write short notes on timer registers.
23. Explain briefly about the term PSW.
24. Compare Microprocessor and Microcontroller.
25. Name the five interrupt sources of 8051?
Part B – 12 Marks
1. With a neat sketch, explain the functional block diagram of microcontroller.
2. Briefly write about the instruction set of MC 8051 with example.
3. Explain about Signal Descriptions of 8051.
4. Explain the Register set of 8051.
5. Describe the operational features of 8051?
6. Explain with few example
(i) Bit manipulation instruction
(ii) Program flow control instruction
(iii) Instruction for logical operation
7. Explain in detail about interrupts of 8051?
8. Explain the various addressing modes in 8051?
9. Explain about the design of a 8051 based length measurement system?
10. Explain about Memory and I/O addressing of 8051.
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